My 2007!!

YEAR 2007!!
The year I turned 20!! At least I was a teen for half-the-year. So you'll allow me this kiddish pleasure of ramblin about how this year turned out to be for me...

Mast Moviez

1) Mozhi
2) Freedom Writers
3) Tare Zameen Par

Smashin' Songs
1) Jab Se Tere Naina (Saawariya)
2) Aazha Kannal (Mozhi)
3) In Dino (Life in a Metro)

Fantastic Fiction
1) Splendor of Silence (Indu Sunderesan)
2) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (J.K.Rowling)
3) Nervous Conditions (Tsitsi Dangarembga)

Mmmm Magazines
1) National Geographic (March '07) - The bit on Elephants
2) National Geographic (Nov '07) - The Memory Article
3Jean-Paul Sartre's Introduction to Frantz Eanon's Les damnes de la terre - The Wretched of the Earth - (1961)

Memorable Moments
1) My mom came on TV (Podhigai+Sun), radio(AIR) and published a book (a small supplementary in Aval Vikatan)!!!
2) My sister got into college this year - SSN!! :-D
3) This year was the first time in NUS, that a lecturer caught and told me off for cutting lectures!!

Craziest things I did this year
1) I did an intern!!!
2) I went night-cyclin' for an entire night - in heavy rain!!
3) I came back home for a weekend!! Right after Diwali too!!

Resolutions for 2007 - Reality Check
1) Academic Goal 1 - Get 5.0 in one subject at least- Satisfied
2) Academic Goal 2 - Obtain SAP of 4.50 atleast - Nearly Satisfied
3) Personal Goal 1 - Do 3 really good things that you've never done before -No. But I did make a start this year. 1/3.

People I'll remember

  • Mrs. Praveena Devarajan - She expired in an accident this year. My 9th Std Science teacher who got me interested in Biology.
  • Mrs Radha Venkatesh - Our beloved RaVe mam' lost her husband this year. I really admire her for the courage with which she handled everything! She came back to prep her Class 12 for the boards, hardly a few weeks after the incident!! There is courage.


Anusha said...

Wow! This sounds like a fun thing to do - maybe I should review 2007 too, to see what fun stuff I did! I can't remember half of what happened in the first half of the year, though, so I'll have to scratch my head a bit before I come up with anything! :D

And congrats on your 5.0 and almost 4.5! :D Oh, and please do enlighten on the one really good thing you managed to do - we all need a little inspiration sometimes! :D

Bala said...

My thoughts are the same as that of Clueless. It is a cool thing to do and to do so in public; wow that takes a bit of doing. Keep it up

Subramanian Ramachandran said...

hey archun..welcome back to blogging... i think u came pretty long back :) but am here to ur blog after a longgg time....

>>Craziest things I did this year
1) I did an intern!!!

aaha ithu crazy thing ah :) suthammm

I think u missed to mention one particular achievement of urs....

btw en blog vanthathu ponathu santhosam... Keep coming :)

and yea... bfore i sign off.. Wishing you a happiest new year, Good luck for you to achieve all ur Goals.. am damn sure u wil achieve ur academic goals :)

Ramya Shankar said...

That's some compilation of 07 ! Kudos ! And here's my wish to you for a crazier year to come !

Unknown said...

//3) This year was the first time in NUS, that a lecturer caught and told me off for cutting lectures!!//

very good. :D

keep it uppu!

Unknown said...

How come I dont figure in the list of ppl who inspired YOU???!!
Best years ahead.. have a blast. And I agree.. Interns, jobs.. they are perhaps the craziest things one can EVER do!!!!!!